Girl Taking Over: A Lois Lane Story

by Sarah Kuhn & Arielle Jovellanos


Date published - April 18, 2023

Date reviewed - April 1, 2023

Lois Lane is a young woman with GOALS. It's just her and her Life Plan notebook against the world. Next step in the plan: a summer internship in National City at CatCo, a lifestyle publication headed up by the most badass woman in journalism, Cat Grant—an opportunity that launch her dreams into reality as a reporter.

That is until...the plan falls apart

In this YA graphic novel, Lois gets her own absolutely charming, engaging, and inspiring story. She is a fully 3D character with layers and complexities, one part of which is her experience as an Asian woman. This is Lois before her time with the Daily Planet or Clark Kent. Her story is full of heart and grit and unbelievably powerful relationships with family and friends and maybe even a boyfriend? (Hint: It's not just Lois and her notebook against the world.) I absolutely love Lois' support system: her mom, her cousin/roommate/frenemy Miki, and her fellow interns Jasmin and Noah. We see her navigating racism on personal, professional, and societal levels, and we also see her experiencing pure joy. More than anything, this story is a GIRL POWER ANTHEM about truth and justice.

Sarah Kuhn's story and Arielle Jovellanos' artwork are made for each other. I was immediately smitten with the cheerful colorwork by Olivia Pecini. All the little nuanced details in the imagery and language made me smile. The design of Lois' Life Plan notebook was clearly done with love by someone who gets it: sticky notes and highlighters and washi tape OH MY! I saw a billboard for tarot readings somewhere in National City. ☺️ One of my favorite lines is when Miki says to Lois, "Lo! Now is not the time to do a journalism!" Hehe.

I am going to make sure my library has this on the shelf, and I'll be recommending it left and right!

Note: I don't know the whole Superman story that well, so that I means I also don't really know adult-Lois that well, either. That knowledge is definitely NOT a prerequisite for enjoying this comic. I don't know if this story contradicts Lois' character throughout DC canon, but it certainly adds awesome depth to her as an independent woman.

Thanks to DC Entertainment and NetGalley for this ARC! Girl Taking Over: A Lois Lane Story by Sarah Kuhn and Arielle Jovellanos comes out on April 18, 2023!